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Sarah Holt

Hospitality Challenge Continued: Challenges #3 & #4

We are officially half-way through our Hospitality Challenge. We would love to hear from you on our social channels how the first two challenges went for you. Who did you “Invite In?” Were you able to find and invite a “Guest to Dinner?” Let us know how things are going in your efforts so far and remember, we’re giving away special limited edition WWWG merch via a drawing at the end of the challenge.

Our 3rd challenge kicked off yesterday. So, our challenge for the next two weeks, is GIVING THE GIFT OF TIME to someone who might not be able to do for themselves; tidy up an elderly person’s yard, serve at a food bank, serve a meal to the homeless, or whatever other creative ideas you have for serving others with your time. The key to this particular challenge is making your recipient feel they have full membership – to you, your family/church/friend circle.

To aid in your efforts and help you get in the right frame of mind for this challenge, watch this brief video clip from Jessica Herberger’s recent workshop: “Hospitality in a Fragmented World.”

As you contemplate how to apply these principles, remember Jessica’s comments and questions:

  1. The gospel hinges on the hospitality we give others.

  2. What would it look like to offer abundant relationship to someone you don’t know well?

  3. Are you treating someone as an outsider? How quickly could you welcome them in as a full member?

  4. Are you holding back? If so, why? How could you work to overcome this? (For tips on this, you can also reference Jonathan Hanegan’s sermon podcast, linked in the “Hospitality as Gospel Witness” article above.)

Be sure to keep an eye on our social channels for information on the fourth and final challenge coming December 17: "Tag Along.”


If you’ve missed any of the challenges so far, or aren’t on social media but would still like to participate, send us an email to and let us know. We will email you all 4 weeks of challenges all together.


We hope you have been enjoying these challenges and are experiencing growth in the area of hospitality as a result!

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